Corporate philosophy

KAC is committed to make contributions to the advancement of sciences and the promotion of human welfare.

Management guidelines

  1. Aim for customers saying “Only KAC can handle this!”
    Every day KAC strives to be an outstanding company that conducts unique business life science by providing advanced and reliable technology.
  2. Aim for customers saying “That's KAC alright!”
    KAC does its utmost to earn confidence and trust for the technology and services we provide to our customers. We are helping to make their lives better.
  3. Aim for employees saying “I’m glad it was KAC!”
    KAC works hard to improve the knowledge, skills, and services of each employee, to help them achieve richer lives.
  4. Aim for customers saying “We thank you, KAC!”
    KAC gives careful thought to life and the environment in its daily business activities, and strives to be trusted and appreciated by people in local communities.

Code of conduct

  1. I will always give an appropriate greeting.
  2. I will get the job done right away.
  3. I will contact and report promptly.
  4. I will strive to improve my technical ability.
  5. I will work with a sense of pride and responsibility.

Date of establishment: March 27, 2003

Compliance guidelines

KAC Co., Ltd. has established the following compliance guidelines so that all officers and employees will comply with legal standards and in-house regulations in all aspects of their business activities, and act to a high ethical standard.

  1. In the use of experimental animals
    When conducting animal experiments, use the minimum required number of animals in the spirit of animal protection. Make every effort and find ways to inflict as least discomfort as possible.
  2. In genetic recombination experiments
    When commissioning, planning, and carrying out genetic recombination experiments, indicate the safety standards to be observed and carry out work properly and safely.
  3. For human tissue-derived products
    Examine and evaluate from ethical and safety aspects the introduction, storage, use in research of human tissue-derived products and their supply to researchers.
  4. In the handling of poisonous and harmful substances, narcotics and psychotropic drugs
    Pay carefully attention in the handling of poisonous and harmful substances, narcotics and psychotropic drugs.
  5. In the work environment
    We will comply with labor laws and regulations such as the Labor Standards Act and the Industrial Safety and Health Act, create a comfortable working environment that gives due consideration to safety and health, and make efforts to prevent occupational accidents and maintain employee health.
  6. Preventing leakage of confidential information
    (1) Recognize the importance of confidential information acquired and collected through business activities and manage it appropriately.
    (2) Do not illegally obtain or re-direct confidential information held by our Company or customers for the benefit of yourself or a third party.
  7. Relationships with government employees and others
    In your relationship with the employees of national public institutions do not violate relevant laws and guidelines such as bribery in criminal law, or the national civil service ethics laws. Carry out your business cleanly so that you will not be suspected of any wrongdoing.
  8. Relationship with criminal groups
    Benefiting criminal groups and people associated with them or having any involvement with them is strictly prohibited.
  9. Prohibition of unfair discrimination and harassment, prohibition of sexual harassment, power harassment, etc.
    (1) We do not discriminate and/or harass based on race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, religion, beliefs, opinions, etc.
    (2) To create a comfortable working environment in which the identity of our employees is respected, we do not permit sexual harassment, power harassment and other form of abuse.
  10. Environmental protection
    We will comply with environmental laws and rules, and carry out business activities that carefully consider the impact on the global environment as well as local communities.

Date of establishment: December 21, 2004
Date of revision: August 1, 2015

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